The Plant Breeding & Plant Genetics program is grateful to all of our alumni and friends that have supported this program. Your generous support is much appreciated and we thank you for helping to contribute to future research and student development within the program!
Department Newsletters
We want to hear from our alumni! Send any alumni updates including current positions, awards, research, publications, etc to
Give back to the Plant Breeding & Plant Genetics program
Follow this link for the UW Foundation giving page for our program:
To send a gift by mail, please make your check payable to the University of Wisconsin Foundation. In the memo line, include the fund name and number: Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics Fund – 112060008 so that your gift is designated correctly. Mail your check to:
UW Foundation
US Bank Lockbox
Box 78807
Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807
To be added to our seminar or alumni email mailing lists please send an email to Caitlin Collies at
Follow Along on Social Media
Instagram: @uwmadisonagro
Twitter: @UW_PBPG
Facebook: UWmadisonagronomy